
A few days left, we suck the marrow …

Cathedral Barcelona

Catalonia, the state in which Barcelona sits, is on the verge of gaining its independence from Spain. A vote on October 1st is expected to pass, although Spain isn’t talking about it, and certainly doesn’t want to acknowledge that it may lose its strongest economy. When we escape the tourist-choked areas or visit with Catalonians, the passion of this movement is evident, flags on balconies, Catalan language seen everywhere, often before Spanish.

There is a poetry and passion to this that is so stirring. In 2014, a public protest of Catalonians linking arms for 250 miles from the French border down to Valencia, shocking Spain, crying we are many and we are together. After time and other eventualities, it came to a referendum, passing by 80% of the vote, shocking Spain into a scurried rebuttal and demand for a revote. That is the October 1st vote.

We are preparing to come home knowing that the next time we return to Barcelona it will likely be very different. At the very least, it may be Barcelona of Catalonia, it’s own country. We have bought-in and are rooting for this amazing culture. What an inspiration, personally, to have such verve as a people, a culture, a state. What a thrill it would be to be a part of a nation with so much unified pride and commitment.

These days we discuss coming home daily, but not that anyone is sick with missing it. On the contrary. It seems instead that are going to miss the togetherness.

La Sagrada Familia

We look forward to catching up with friends and family. See you soon.

Love to all,

Julie, Taylor, Aidan, Piper, Ian and Graham

2 thoughts on “Vapors”

  1. There will be tears…from all and for various reasons I suspect….

    xxoo and safe travels home

  2. Safe journey home guys. I know deeply how you are feeling as my heart is feeling the same thing for my family and our adventure. Let me know how re entry goes….we can’t wait to see you guys again. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. Much ❤️, Nicola and crew xox

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