Observation #2

A small Croatian pony bit Julie in the leg today. Julie punched the pony in some wild reflexive move. The kids have since named it Crazy Horse. This is a true story.


PS Julie will have a rebuttal, no doubt.

6 thoughts on “Observation #2”

  1. It was self defense!! That thing should NOT be allowed near people, let alone unattended with children and meaty calves wandering unsuspecting. I like animals, in fact I love ponies. This is no pony. “It” lures its victims in with its cute poniness and bad bang trim. It collects as many people nearby as possible as we coo and scratch his flat, wicked forehead. He, aka PonyJerk, CrazyTrain, whatever, bit the holy snot out of Piper’s wrist the night before. She was powerless to move, frozen in its jaws with disbelief and stars-of-pain battling. PonyJerk bit down harder and harder, leaving a blackpurple pinch that bled. I’m all about redemption and evolution so when PonyJerk was located by the front gate, grazing on the small patch of lawn there, we were ready to try again, cautiously. We hadn’t discovered the formula yet: lure in as many as possible, then employ the vice grab with evil unrelenting teeth. I was scratching his forelock, thinking he’s ok, it’s got to be tough for him being here – OWWW!! Admittedly, I cannot claim self defense. It was a reflex. I was already (affectionately) scratching his flat primitive bony frontal plate so my hand was in the vicinity. Yes, I countered his monster venom with a little Popeye… reflexively.

  2. Julie, you make me laugh! I hope you and Piper are recovering okay from the nasty pony bites!! xo

  3. 1) It is wonderful being able to follow along with the Reichel Clan on your European adventures!
    2) You’ve always made me smile and many times made me laugh, but a few of these posts are absolutely side-splitting! (Julie’s rebuttal of Observation #2, for example.)
    3) A very special “Hello!” to all of you across the miles, gotta love technology! XOXO

  4. 1) It’s truly amazing seeing the European adventures of the Reichel Clan and feeling included in your journey! I love reading each person’s perspective, wonderful stuff! Thank you!
    2) This family has always made me smile, many times made me laugh, but some of these posts are absolutely side-splittingly funny (Julie’s rebuttal to Observation #2 might come to mind).
    4) Special “Hello!” across the miles (and continents!) to all of you lovely, brilliant, sweet folks! XOXO Gotta love technology!
    p.s. Ian, so sweet to think of bringing me a special chocolate, I enjoyed it vicariously!

    1. Interesting! So it does take quite a long time for a comment to post, more than 24 hours or so, long enough so that one posts almost exactly the same comment all over again(!), thinking “Darn, I must not have done it correctly, or with enough intention, or something!” This blogging thing you’ve got going here is very cool! Thanks so much for taking all of us out here along with you! XOXO

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